The right plastic surgery marketing strategy is essential to bringing your practice to the next level. You studied medicine for years, you honed your artistry and surgical skills in tandem, and now you want the world to see just how talented you are.
It’s time to market yourself.
Don’t worry, you have a dedicated team on your side as you navigate the unpredictable waters of modern marketing. Just as your medical staff supports you in the clinic, so too does the GrowthMed squad have your back when it comes to promoting your practice. Contact us at your earliest convenience to learn how we can diagnose your marketing needs and prescribe the right remedy for you.
Out with the Old, In with the New School
In traditional marketing, you would emblazon your logo on a billboard, write your name in the sky, and program your messaging into a digital readout scrolling across a dirigible above a football stadium. Those tactics are noteworthy, to be sure, but they are also as costly as the heavens. Let’s bring your perspective back down to earth and analyze how people truly interact with advertising in the here and now.
The Best Marketing Is Invisible
The internet empowers users to direct their own destiny. Every day, we consult our smart devices to find dining options, search for the nearest gas station, and provide driving directions to all of the above. Web surfers are riding a wave of control, so the best way to interact with them is to dive into their ocean.
According to a recent study, two-thirds of all Google-generated clicks are awarded to one of the first five listings that appear from an organic search.[1]
Let’s put it in terms that matter to you. When a potential patient searches for “CoolSculpting in Dallas,” there is a 67.6% chance that they will click on one of the first five sites that appear in the search engine results page (SERP). If that’s not a compelling enough reason to appear at the top of Google’s lists, read on…
Front Page News and Views
Google conducts over 2 trillion searches per year.[2] The average duration of a typical search session is 76 seconds. That means you only have one and a quarter minutes to make a lasting impression in hopes of driving traffic to your website.

Another illuminating tidbit of data: a staggering 59% of Google queries never go beyond the first page of results. If your clinic has the misfortune of being ranked on the fourth page or worse, then you only have a 6% chance of ever appearing on your clientele’s radar.
The moral of the story: your marketing campaign should harmonize with the ways in which your patients are searching for services. To bring the previous example back into play, you must include the words “CoolSculpting in Dallas” in your website copy if you want to appear on the “CoolSculpting in Dallas” search results. Since some people skim past the paid ads that perch atop the front page of Google’s listings, they will inevitably rely on the first 10 organic results that appear beneath them. This is the essence of non-advertising advertising. Align your website to the needs of your patients and allow them to find you.
If You Build It, They Will Click
Building a website to appeal to clients may sound easy, but it requires focus and dedication. You need smart, comprehensive copy to describe your services in detail while also seamlessly blending the keywords that will help you rank on Google’s almighty first page.
Once visitors are on your site, congratulations! But that’s just the inaugural battle in the war for people’s attention. You need to study the ways in which users maneuver through your pages to make sure you are steering them the optimal direction(s). With LeadESP, you can track the behavior of your online guests. How do they move their mouse, which pages received the most attention, and how can you capitalize on this priceless data to drive an even bigger audience to your website?
LeadESP is a great way of gathering leads (as the name suggests). Once you have a healthy roster of potential patients, it’s time to leverage them through your next marketing strategy…
You’ve Got Email!
The most reliable customers are repeat customers. Whether a patient has visited your practice before or just surfed your website, they have already expressed an interest in your services. The spark has been lit, so you need to fan the flames.
A sensible email strategy is a great way to keep your community engaged and intrigued. By distributing a monthly newsletter, you can update clients on your current specials, alert them to new techniques you are pioneering, or simply let them know that they are important to you. As we mentioned before, the best marketing is deceptively silent. The more you make your clients feel like friends and family, the less they will feel like advertising demographics. You can build loyalty while subtly extending your plastic surgery marketing strategy.
Haven’t I Seen You Somewhere Before?
Familiarity yields trust. When you have seen someone – or something – before, you are less defensive. The same is true in the marketing world. If you see an ad more than once, you may be more receptive to its messaging.

Case in point: retargeting. When a potential client visits your website, they automatically become the ideal audience for your ads. Let’s say they navigate from your site to a social media page. Suddenly, your logo appears in the margins. That is a prime example of remarketing, and it is remarkable indeed.
An estimated 70% of dynamic marketing campaigns pay dividends. That is to say, there is a 7-in-10 chance that clients will choose your clinic over a competitor’s if they encounter a remarketing campaign of yours. Now that’s a message that bears repeating!
Get Social
As we have stressed consistently, ranking on Google’s top page of search results is invaluable. Hence, many doctors’ instincts lead them to pay for the privilege of dominating this coveted space. They may shell out exorbitant amounts of money for pay per click (PPC) campaigns. While PPC is great for beginners, you’re in the big leagues now. Oftentimes, advertisers experience a lot more “pay” than they get “click” responsiveness.
You want to make sure that the keywords in your ad are on point. If you target your audience correctly, you can attract the attention of potential patients for mere pennies while your competitors are paying good dollars to get eyes on their sites.

But even if your PPC campaign is going well, it’s still seen as a dreaded ad on the Google search results page. Many users skip past paid posts to look through organic results. In order to get more play, get social! Users still see their social media feeds as fun, friendly spaces. If you can appear in that paradigm, you may be able to build a digital rapport with your clients.
For example, a targeted Facebook ad leverages everything profoundly intimate about the social media giant. You can pinpoint which neighborhood you want to target, which income level your patients most likely achieve, and what age groups to which you want to appeal. You can garner approximately 1,000 impressions for just a quarter, and you can analyze your results as they come streaming in. Talk about “likes!”
Lookin’ Good: Ravishing Results
Plastic surgery marketing should reflect the plastic surgeon. Whether you represent an upscale clinic or a boutique med spa, your advertising campaign should emulate your business. To fully explore the many options at your fingertips when it comes to marketing strategies, let GrowthMed guide your journey. Many of the doctors with whom we collaborate have enjoyed a 300% boost in new patients – some are even flooded with over 400% increases in fresh clientele. Take a tour of our work, gaze at our glowing reviews, and consider what an influx in web traffic could mean for your medical practice. When you’re ready to act upon your desire to reach your ideal audience, contact GrowthMed and let’s get operating.
What is the best digital marketing strategy for a plastic surgeon?
The answer to your question depends on which services you want to promote the most ambitiously. The internet is a labyrinth of information, so you don’t want to get lost in generic searches. You are not merely a “plastic surgeon in Minnesota” – you are the “best facelift surgeon in Minneapolis.” Make sure your website copy touts your bona fides. In turn, your marketing strategy should also embrace the keywords that convey your core expertise. Pretty soon, you will rank at the top of your clients’ search queries, courtesy of GrowthMed.
- Digital Agency Network (DAN) blog. (2020). Retargeting & Remarketing – Why It’s Essential for Marketing Strategy. Retrieved from:
- Search Engine Land article. (2016). Google now handles at least 2 trillion searches per year. Retrieved from: